Tuesday, July 12, 2005


The Author, Relaxing with His Stalker (Metaphorically)

Originally uploaded by kneedeepintheriversofrage.

ITEM: Your Author has a stalker!
It's this chick from the morning carpool and evening commute. It makes me feel like the proverbial Fran Tarkenton (#10) scrambling away from a female John Matuszak (#72).

She's met the Wife, met the Child, yet she won't leave me alone.

OUTRAGE BEYOND MEASURE! One day, on a perfectly uncrowded bus, she sits next to me, tells me she's an engineer, and engages me in nervous, awkward conversation.
FURTHER OUTRAGE! At the pathetic little street fair in our neighborhood, I run into her at the local Ace, and she insists upon meeting the Wife and Child, she engages them in nervous, awkward conversation, then runs home to complete her landscaping.
And in between, it's strained nods, hellos, and brief exchanges.
There is no escape!

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